Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Pubic Transport

The Age never ceases to entertain, and the arseclown behind this story deserves a Walkley for his adjectival prowess; or at least a AVN award for putting sex back into reading the paper over breaky.

An expansion to Melbourne's suburban train network has been described as a "sexy" option. Which it indubitably is - next to prostate examination. However personally when it comes to public transport, I see little by way of stimulous which would get me hot between the sheets.

I'm sure we all have "pleasurable" stories to relay on the raunch behind taking a trip on our local tram, train or bus.

Only last week i was on an over-crowded tram in the city, where an old man was coughing up mucus into his hand, and then rubbing it into the seat beside him to prevent others from sitting down. NOICE!!

Further to prettying up the trains, "long-suffering" bus passengers will be doing high-fives in the isles when they find out that Bracksy plans to introduce "...minimum service levels on all routes, including night and Sunday services."

Now I've had some hilariously bad sex. But minimum service on all routes???


Engels said...

Well, the Age has to whinge about something. I personally would stick to give Leunig shit.

Seems like I'll have to live within walking/cycling distance from the Uni.

Whitz said...

heh.. mate... especially given the price of passage on said transport network. Not to mention the inspectors' rights to beat living shit through you if you don't have one of these gold plated things they call tickets!

Anonymous said...

Whitty, mate, you make it sound so fun....

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